Preventing harm from environmental exposure to carbon monoxide_DRAFT - elearning for healthcare
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This programme is in partnership with...
  • iPiP

About the Preventing harm from environmental exposure to carbon monoxide programme

Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colourless, odourless, tasteless, and non-irritable gas that is formed by the partial combustion of fuel such as wood, coal, and gas. Carbon monoxide poisoning is one of the most common causes of accidental and intentional poisoning worldwide and can disproportionately affect vulnerable people and unborn babies.

CO poisoning is often undetected due to its unnoticeable properties and non-specific symptoms, consequently leading to misdiagnosis.

Evidence is accumulating of raised CO levels within UK homes at levels above those recommended as safe.  Indoor sources of CO such as gas cooking and heating appliances as well as smoking contribute significantly to CO exposure within homes.

The programme Preventing Harm from Environmental Exposure to Carbon Monoxide has been created to enable health and social care staff to recognise the signs and symptoms of CO exposure and actions that can be taken to prevent harm to their patient / clients and their own families.

There are 3 modules within this programme:

  1. Carbon Monoxide Awareness and Prevention
  2. Carbon Monoxide Exposure: Awareness and Prevention: Pregnancy
  3. Vulnerable people and Carbon Monoxide

All learners need to complete module 1 before undertaking one of the two modules on pregnancy or vulnerable people.


We hope you will find these modules and resources useful.  

We would love to hear your feedback and comments about the content and any suggestions how this can be more relevant to your practice is welcomed. Please complete the survey at the end of each module so we can make this resource work better for all. Thankyou! 

Primary and secondary audiences

Primary audience

  • Health and Social Care staff  
  • Midwifery teams 
  • Obstetricians  
  • District Nurses  
  • GP’s  
  • Home Carers / Care workers 
  • Support Workers 
  • Health Visiting teams  
  • Mental health care team  
  • Social workers  

Secondary audience

All Health and Social Care staff who work with vulnerable people especially those who provide care within home settings. 


The authors of the programme would like to extend their thanks and gratitude to the support of experts in their field for reviewing the modules and the funders of the programme.

The product was developed with the support of:

  • Adrian McConnell – CO Research Trust
  • Clea Harmer – SANDS
  • Clare Livingstone – RCM
  • Isabella Myers – Independent Consultant
  • Julie Connolly – Senior Lecturer, School of Public and Allied Health Liverpool John Moores University
  • Sani Dimitroulopoulou – UKHSA
  • Sophia Garkov – UKHSA

This project was funded by:

  • Our UK’s Gas Distribution Networks:
  • Cadent
  • Northern Gas Network
  • SGN
  • Wales & West Utilities

The filming was produced and directed by Keith Thomas at Sightline

Meet the team

  • Hilary Wareing

    Hilary Wareing

    Programme Director iPiP
  • Rachel Harrison

    Rachel Harrison

    Programme Co-ordinator iPiP
  • Andrew Simcoe

    Andrew Simcoe

    EngTech Technical Manager Northern Gas Networks
  • Julie Connolly

    Dr Julie Connolly

    FHEA Senior Lecturer, School of Public and Allied Health Liverpool John Moores University
  • Isabella Myers

    Isabella Myers - BSc DIC MSc

    MSRB Independent Consultant


  • Sarah Gray

    Sarah Gray

    Programme Manager - Technology Enhanced Learning, NHS England
  • Nicole Beckford

    Senior Project Manager - Technology Enhanced Learning, NHS England
  • Alice Denham

    Alice Denham

    Lead Learning Designer - Technology Enhanced Learning, NHS England
  • Rachel Grant

    Rachel Grant

    Learning Designer - Technology Enhanced Learning, NHS England
  • Roger Ellison

    Roger Ellison

    Learning Designer - Technology Enhanced Learning, NHS England
  • Evelyn

    Evelyn Lindsay

    Graphic Designer - Technology Enhanced Learning, NHS England

How to access

To access this elfh programme, you will require a Learning Hub account. If you do not have one, then you can register by selecting the Register button below. Note that if you hold a full elfh account, you can sign into the Learning Hub using your existing login credentials.


To view the Preventing harm from environmental exposure to carbon monoxide programme, select the View button below. If you already have a Learning Hub account, you will also be able to login and access the resources within the programme .


NHS healthcare staff in England – ESR

The Preventing harm from environmental exposure to carbon monoxide programme is also available to NHS healthcare staff via the Electronic Staff Record (ESR). Accessing this e-learning via ESR means that your completions will transfer with you throughout your NHS career.
Further details about the Electronic Staff Record (ESR).

Not an NHS organisation?

If you are not an NHS health or care organisation and therefore do not qualify for free access to the Learning Hub, you may be able to access the service if you have an existing OpenAthens account. Please go to Learning Hub and sign in with your existing credentials.

If you do not have an existing OpenAthens account, please contact elfh directly to check whether you may be eligible for access.

Registering large numbers of users

If you are a HR, IT or Practice Manager and would like to register and enrol large numbers of staff within your organisation for access onto the Preventing harm from environmental exposure to carbon monoxide programme, please contact elfh directly.

Organisations wishing to use their own LMS

For HR departments wanting to know more about gaining access to courses using an existing Learning Management System please contact elfh directly to express interest.

More information

Please select the following link for more information on how to use the Learning Hub

elfh is a NHS England programme in partnership with the NHS and professional bodies