Recognising and managing deterioration - elearning for healthcare
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Programme update

PLEASE READ: the Recognising and Managing Deterioration programme is being reviewed to align with updated NICE Guidance on sepsis published on 31st January 2024.

Please ensure you read the guidance and take note of the updates as you complete the training. The guidance is here and the programme is being updated as a priority.

Updated sessions with more info and links further down:

  • ABCDE approach
  • Deteriorating patients: an introduction for reception staff
  • NEWS2 in secondary care

About the Recognising and Managing Deterioration programme

Changes to vital signs, behaviour and mental state often occur before a serious event, such as cardiac arrest. Being able to recognise and act on these changes are essential skills for improving patient safety and outcomes.

The Recognising and Managing Deterioration programme has been developed to support the workforce and organisations in ensuring staff have the necessary knowledge and skills to recognise and manage deterioration in adult patients.

The programme is divided into 3 main sections which focus on patient assessment, early warning scores, and sepsis. Each section includes sessions relevant to practise in various settings and specialities. We recommend that you review each section for all the sessions relevant to your role and workplace to ensure you get the most out of the learning. Some sessions are universally accessible and marked separately.

Use the sections and links below to navigate the resources.

The patient assessment sessions are aimed at healthcare professionals, frontline staff, and all carers who are the first contact for the deteriorating patient.

The resources within this programme discuss the ABCDE approach as a system for assessment for clinicians and nurses, as well as guidance for carers, reception staff ambulance services and mental health professionals.

  • ABCDE approach

    The old sessions called recognising and managing deterioration on elfh will remain until the 30th of November for any learner to be able to still utilise them. The new sessions replacing these are called the ABCDE approach and are launched on the Learning Hub as below.

    Failure to recognise patient deterioration and act promptly poses a significant patient safety risk and can lead to adverse outcomes, including preventable death.

    This programme focuses on the ABCDE approach which is used to systematically assess an acutely unwell patient. It involves working through the following steps:

    1. Airway.
    2. Breathing.
    3. Circulation.
    4. Disability.
    5. Exposure.

    The resources are designed for individuals in clinical roles working with adults. It is offered at 2 levels to match the learner’s experience and clinical setting:

    Universal: targeted at a broad audience, including healthcare assistants, support workers, and junior nurses. These sessions are accessible to anyone.

    Advanced: aimed at experienced healthcare professionals, such as nurses, allied health professionals, and junior medical professionals. These sessions are intended for the NHS workforce and medical students.

    These sessions can be found here:

  • Soft Signs and Caring for People with a Learning Disability programme

    People with learning disabilities are often at increased risk of a number of health issues. This elearning has been developed to provide carers with information to reduce the risk of health deterioration in the people they support.

    As people with learning disabilities can often be reliant on family and paid carers to help them manage their needs and support them to access health services, this programme aims to provide those paid and unpaid carers with health-related information that can help reduce some of the many health inequalities that people with learning disabilities face. Developed by the West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership, we hope this programme will help reduce preventable causes of ill health and reduce health inequalities.

    The sessions are:

    • Constipation awareness
    • Spotting signs of someone becoming poorly
    • Annual health check
    • Reasonable adjustments

    These sessions can be accessed here:

    For additional material please review a video tutorial on recognising deterioration in a person with a learning disability.

  • Deterioration, NEWS and Sepsis in Care Homes

    Deterioration, NEWS2 and sepsis in care homes

    These learning resources on Deterioration, NEWS2 and sepsis have been designed in particular for care home staff to ensure care home residents receive appropriate, timely medical care. They provide a comprehensive training for non-clinical carers in the community. The training may also be suitable for health care assistants working in other settings and nursing students.

    This is a mainly film-based course that covers:

    • An introduction to NEWS2 in care home settings and its benefits
    • An introduction to sepsis and serious illness
    • The importance and significance of soft signs
    • An overview of each component part of NEWS2 and how to measure:
    • Respiratory rate
    • Oxygen saturations
    • Blood pressure
    • Pulse rate
    • Level of alertness
    • Temperature
  • Soft signs and NEWS to for all staff and carers
  • Deteriorating patients: an introduction for reception staff

    This is a newly built session to cover all the old content for reception staff.

    Receptionists often serve as the first point of contact for individuals with urgent health needs.  NHS England, in collaboration with Hartlepool and Stockton Health, has developed a new learning resource for reception staff.

    This resource serves as an introduction to identifying and addressing deteriorating patients, in line with the latest NICE guidelines and NHS standards. The session is designed to help those working in community-based care settings recognise signs of potentially life-threatening conditions and escalate cases appropriately.

    The training focuses on identifying specific symptoms that may indicate a deteriorating patient, such as chest pain, stroke, sudden breathlessness, and sepsis, and guides receptionists on how to escalate these cases to a clinician within their service or practice.

    You can access the elearning here ( )

    The old materials are available on elfh until the 15th of December for any learner to be able to still utilise them.  You can access the session here:

  • Ambulance and frontline staff

    NEWS training for frontline staff

    This elearning module and case studies have been developed for all frontline clinical staff by the London Ambulance Service NHS Trust.

    By the end of the session, learners will be able to:

    • describe the process of applying the NEWS2 tool in a clinical environment
    • recognise the NEWS2 scoring system and how to apply this to a patient in a clinical environment
    • demonstrate the use of the tool using the case studies provided.
    • understand the thresholds, triggers, pathways and escalation to appropriate care following application of the tool.
    • understand the need for system wide standardisation

    NEWS training for paramedics

    1. The NEWS training for paramedics offers learners an overview of NEWS2 and specific case studies relevant to staff working in ambulance services.

    The resource covers:

    • the need for a National Early Warning Score (NEWS2) and the evidence to support its use
    • raising awareness and increase understanding of how the National Early Warning Score (NEWS2) is used in the recognition and response to deterioration
    • understanding the purpose of ATMISTER as a structured communication tool
    • case studies that offer learners the opportunity to consider how they might manage patients in similar situations
    1. The Train the Trainer training package contains all sections of the NEWS2 in Ambulance Service elearning in a PowerPoint format and can be used in a facilitated learning session.
  • Mental health settings

    The NEWS in mental health settings elearning session offers learners an overview of the National Early Warning Score (NEWS) and specific case studies relevant to staff involved in the care of patients with mental health conditions.

    This resource covers:

    the need for a National Early Warning Score (NEWS2) and the evidence to support its use
    raising awareness and increase understanding of how the National Early Warning Score (NEWS2) is used in the recognition and response to deterioration
    understanding the purpose of SBARD as a structured communication tool
    case studies that offer learners the opportunity to consider how they might manage patients in similar situations

    Train the trainer package

    This training package contains all sections of the NEWS2 in mental health settings elearning in a PowerPoint format and can be used in a facilitated learning session.

The Early Warning Scores section of the programme includes resources on the National Early Warning Score (NEWS2), which is endorsed by NHS England and NHS Improvement for use in acute and ambulance settings. This section also includes maternity early warning scores, paediatrics early warning scores and neonatal track and trigger elearning sessions.

  • NEWS2 in primary care

    NEWS2 in Primary Care elearning

    The NEWS2 in Primary Care session introduces the National Early Warning Score (NEWS) and its use in a primary care setting. It also includes:

    • Evidence of NEWS and its use in the community.
    • Its effective use between primary and secondary care.
    • Links to other useful resources and references for further research.

    The Case studies of NEWS in Primary Care session contains practical examples of when NEWS could be used and offers the primary care clinician the opportunity to consider how they might manage patients in similar situations.


  • NEWS2 in secondary care

    The secondary care training package has been developed for healthcare staff in secondary care settings. This resource covers:

    • the need for a National Early Warning Score (NEWS2) and the evidence to support its use.
    • raising awareness and increase understanding of how the National Early Warning Score (NEWS2) is used in the recognition and response to deterioration in secondary care settings.
    • understanding the purpose of SBARD as a structured communication tool.
    • use of NEWS2 as an assessment and communication tool in a variety of clinical case studies
  • NEWS in mental health settings

    The NEWS in mental health settings elearning session offers learners an overview of the National Early Warning Score (NEWS) and specific case studies relevant to staff involved in the care of patients with mental health conditions.

    This resource covers:

    • the need for a National Early Warning Score (NEWS2) and the evidence to support its use
    • raising awareness and increase understanding of how the National Early Warning Score (NEWS2) is used in the recognition and response to deterioration
    • understanding the purpose of SBARD as a structured communication tool
    • case studies that offer learners the opportunity to consider how they might manage patients in similar situations

    Train the Trainer package

    This training package contains all sections of the NEWS2 in Mental Health settings elearning in a PowerPoint format and can be used in a facilitated learning session.

  • NEWS in social care

    Deterioration, NEWS2 and sepsis in care homes

    These learning resources on Deterioration, NEWS2 and sepsis have been designed in particular for care home staff to ensure care home residents receive appropriate, timely medical care. They provide a comprehensive training for non-clinical carers in the community. The training may also be suitable for health care assistants working in other settings and nursing students.

    This is a mainly film-based course that covers:

    • An introduction to NEWS2 in care home settings and its benefits
    • An introduction to sepsis and serious illness
    • The importance and significance of soft signs
    • An overview of each component part of NEWS2 and how to measure:
    • Respiratory rate
    • Oxygen saturations
    • Blood pressure
    • Pulse rate
    • Level of alertness
    • Temperature
  • Maternity Early Warning Score (MEWS)

    The new national Maternity Early Warning Score (MEWS) tool sits within NHS England’s PIER framework and has been developed with key stakeholders to replace the range of different MEWS tools that are currently available. MEWS has been designed to ensure that identification of deterioration is based on pure physiology using a total score, which is combined with subjective assessments (additional concerns) that support the escalation process.
    The elearning session, Introduction to the Maternity Early Warning Score, introduces the new national MEWS tool and describes why and how the tool was developed. The session:

    • describes how MEWS links to the PIER framework
    • explains how to complete a MEWS tool
    • explains the difference of postnatal pulse and the significance on the MEWS tool
    • describes how the presence of additional concerns supports escalation
    • describes the graduated thresholds and triggers table

    Access the MEWS elearning session.

  • Newborn Early Warning Track and Trigger (NEWTT2)

    The new Newborn Early Warning Track and Trigger (NEWTT2) tool sits within NHS England’s PIER framework and replaces the NEWTT framework designed by the British Association of Perinatal Medicine (BAPM) in 2015. BAPM have updated the tool to reflect quality improvement methodology and feedback from healthcare professionals.

    The elearning session, Deterioration of the newborn NEWTT2, introduces the NEWTT2 tool. The session:

    • explains the link between NEWTT2 and PIER framework
    • describes how to complete a NEWTT2 tool
    • explains the inclusion of normothermia and critical observations
    • explains the graduated thresholds and triggers table

    Access the NEWTT2 elearning session

  • Paediatric Early Warning System (PEWS) inpatient chart

    The new national Paediatric Early Warning System (PEWS) chart monitors deterioration in children in inpatient settings, and is supported by other aspects of the PEWS.

    This elearning module is for all clinicians who will complete, interpret or use the updated PEWS chart in an inpatient setting. It does not require pre-existing knowledge or understanding of the updated PEWS chart.

    The elearning session comprises the following sections, which reflect the organisation of the PEWS chart:

    • top of the chart
    • parent and/or carer question
    • airway and breathing, circulation
    • disability and exposure
    • clinical intuition
    • escalation process and signature
    • ISBAR and comment box

    Access the PEWS elearning session

  • Additional recommended resources can be found here:

Sepsis contributes to over 26,000 deaths annually. Asking the question ‘Could this be sepsis?’ is a critical when assessing a deteriorating patient.  

Recognising its importance and the need for specialised training, NHS England has developed an e-learning programme to offer guidance on the recognition and management of sepsis across various settings.  

This programme includes sessions aimed at community-based healthcare professions which provide information on the latest NICE guidance on recognising and responding to suspected sepsis in adults, children and young people, and people with a learning disability. 

The full sepsis programme can be accessed here. 

Further resources for deteriorating patients

COVID-19 support: Working with partners we have developed an animation for patients on COVID-19, how to measure oxygen levels (using a pulse oximeter), what the danger signs to look out for are and when to seek urgent help.  

This is accompanied with a standard operating procedure and patient information leaflet. 

ABCDE approach team

Dr Claire Nadaf  DProf MSc BSc(Hons) RN SFHEA

Head of Academic Enterprise and Engagement
Health Sciences University


Senior Lecturer
Adult Nursing /Institute of Health and Social care
London South Bank University

Deteriorating patients: an introduction for reception staff team

Dr Simon N. Stockley MB ChB, FRCGP, FIMC (RCSEd), DUMC

GP, Eaglescliffe Medical Practice, North-east of England
Medical Director, National COVID-19 Vaccination Programme

NEWS2 in primary care team

Dr Alison Tavaré 

NHSE SW Learning Disability Collaborative Clinical Lead
Health Innovation West of England Clinical Lead
NCEPOD Clinical Co-ordinator

NEWS2 in secondary care team

Dr Chris Carey 

Consultant Anaesthetist UH Sussex NHS Trust
Clinical Director for Spinal and Neurosurgery, Plastics and Major Trauma Service
Vice President, Royal College of Anaesthetists

Danielle Fullwood

Head of Strategic Education and Skills
NHS Coventry and Warwickshire Integrated Care Board


Tony Kelly
National Specialty Advisor, National Maternity and Neonatal Programme
NHS England

Hannah Rutter
Quality Improvement Lead for Perinatal Deterioration
NHS England


NHS England Children and Young People’s Transformation Programme Team


Sarah Gray, Programme Manager

Essi Niittymaki, Senior Project Manager

Claire Beattie, Lead Learning Designer

Rachel Grant, Learning Designer

Abigail Lingford, Graphic Designer

How to access

Available to all

The News and Deterioration programme is freely available to access here.
Please note your progress and completion of sessions will not be recorded and you will not be able to generate a record of completion. If you require evidence of learning, please register and then log in to access this programme on the elfh Hub.

If you already have an account with elfh, then you can enrol on to the News and Deterioration programme by logging in to the elfh Hub, selecting My Account > Enrolment and selecting the programme. You can then access the programme immediately in the My elearning section.

Register >

To view the News and Deterioration programme, select the View button below. If you already have an account with elfh, you will also be able to login and enrol on the programme from the View button.

View >

Registering large numbers of users

If you are a HR, IT or Practice Manager and would like to register and enrol large numbers of staff within your organisation for access onto the News and Deterioration programme, please contact elfh directly.

Organisations wishing to use their own LMS

For HR departments wanting to know more about gaining access to courses using an existing Learning Management System please contact elfh directly to express interest.

More information

Please select the following link for more information on how to use the elfh Hub.

elfh is a NHS England programme in partnership with the NHS and professional bodies