Script – elearning for healthcare
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This programme is in partnership with...
  • OCB Media
  • Health Education England_New logo 2021

About the SCRIPT programme

SCRIPT is a national elearning programme, designed to encourage safe and effective prescribing and medicines management. It is developed by the University of Birmingham and OCB Media Ltd, and commissioned by Health Education England.

Established in 2010, SCRIPT was created to improve prescribing competency among foundation doctors. Since then, the elearning portfolios have been expanded.

SCRIPT portfolios

  • Medicine and Surgery portfolio: for undergraduates and foundation trainees, doctors and non-medical prescribers (NMPs) in hospitals
  • Paediatric portfolio: for specialist trainees, doctors and NMPs working in a paediatric setting
  • Nursing portfolio: for undergraduate and qualified nurses
  • Dentistry portfolio: for undergraduates, foundation trainee and qualified dentists
  • Primary Care portfolio: for GP trainees, qualified GPs and other prescribing staff working in a primary care setting
  • Ambulance Service portfolio: for paramedics, paramedic technicians and paramedics in training
  • Foundation Pharmacist portfolio: for foundation pharmacists
  • Safety portfolio: for anyone involved in prescribing and administration of medicines, including non-medical and independent prescribers

To understand more about the SCRIPT journey, click on the image below to watch an animation on YouTube.


More information

Each SCRIPT portfolio comprises several modules covering a wide range of crucial therapeutic topics. Modules take approximately 30 to 60 minutes to complete. All course materials have been authored by a team of expert healthcare professionals and are regularly reviewed and updated.

SCRIPT elearning resources align to guidance from professional bodies, including the General Medical Council on good practice in prescribing and managing medicines and devices, and the Royal Pharmaceutical Society Prescribing Competency Framework.

Meet the team

University of Birmingham

  • Dr Sarah Pontefract – SCRIPT Programme Director & Lecturer in Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics
  • Professor John Marriott – Principal Investigator & Professor of Clinical Pharmacy
  • Professor Jamie Coleman – Co-Principal Investigator & Professor of Clinical Pharmacology and Medical Education
  • Miss Hannah Vallance – SCRIPT Deputy Programme Director & Clinical Academic Pharmacist
  • Dr Julie Mason – SCRIPT eLearning Manager & Clinical Academic Pharmacist
  • Mrs Tanvi Choudhary – SCRIPT eLearning Manager & Advanced Clinical Pharmacist Practitioner
  • Professor Robin Ferner – Emeritus Professor of Clinical Pharmacology
  • Dr Anthony Cox – Reader in Clinical Pharmacy and Drug safety

OCB Media Ltd

  • Dr Nicholas Blackwell – Director
  • Miss Jenni Ferguson – Director

Meet the team Technology Enhanced Learning

  • Alison Potter

    Alison Potter

    Project Manager, Health Education England Technology Enhanced Learning
  • elfh-staff-Alex-Drinkall-learning-profile

    Alex Drinkall

    Stakeholder and Engagement Lead, Health Education England Technology Enhanced Learning
  • Rachel Gowland

    Rachel Gowland

    Stakeholder Officer, Health Education England Technology Enhanced Learning

How to access

To learn more about SCRIPT and access the elearning portfolios, please visit the SCRIPT website.


elfh is a NHS England programme in partnership with the NHS and professional bodies