Sickle Cell Disorder National Education Programme - elearning for healthcare
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This programme is in partnership with...
  • Kings Health Partners
  • Red Cell Network. Haemoglobinopathy Coordinating Centre

About the Sickle Cell Disorder National Education Programme

This education programme focuses on improving clinical knowledge of sickle cell disorder (SCD) to enable healthcare colleagues to provide excellent care to a patient group with complex needs. The programme offers 2 course options.


The first course, produced by The Red Cell Network, provides in-depth learning about sickle cell disorder. It starts with an introduction followed by information about common complications and treatment options. It then focuses on pain presentation and pain management before finishing with a session led by a patient with lived experience. SCD patients are experts in their own condition and so working with them effectively is the best way to ensure good outcomes and experience.


This perspective is essential for fostering empathy and promoting collaborative care, as SCD patients are experts in their own condition. This course is accredited by the Royal College of Nursing and upon completion of this course the learner will earn a certificate of completion.


The second course, produced by King’s Health Partners, called Acute Sickle Care, provides a more focused look at acute pain presentation and touches on other complications such as acute chest syndrome. The course teaches the learner how to treat these symptoms appropriately and effectively to ensure the best patient outcomes and experience.


In addition to clinical knowledge, the courses within this programme address the role of racism and health-related stigma in patient care, teaching learners how to recognise and prevent such behaviours. The programme also stresses the importance of close patient monitoring, awareness of sudden deterioration risks and pre-operative planning for SCD patients undergoing surgery.


Knowledge checks are integrated throughout the courses to test comprehension.
Key learning objectives include:


· recognising sickle cell pain as a medical emergency
· understanding NICE guidance on pain management and prompt intervention
· being vigilant about the potential for sudden deterioration in SCD patients
· incorporating pre-operative review and management for SCD patients before surgery
· understanding the impact of stigma on patient care and preventing discriminatory practices


Below is a trailer for SICKLE: a short docufilm produced to help raise awareness and understanding of sickle cell disorder. The docufilm is a useful supplement to the learning provided in this programme and information about screening events can be found on the Red Cell Network website.



  • Sickle Cell Disorder National Education Programme

  • Acute Sickle Care Programme

More information

These learning tools were developed in response to the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) Report ‘No One’s Listening’, which followed an inquiry into the avoidable deaths and failures of care for sickle cell patients in secondary care. The report laid out recommendations to improve care, including the development of an elearning module based on national standards of care in partnership with clinical experts.

The Red Cell Network, as one of 10 Haemoglobinopathy Coordinating Centres for sickle cell disease (SCD) in England, has a primary function to provide high-quality training and education to healthcare professionals within its network of NHS Trusts.

The King’s Health Partner’s module was co-produced by adult and paediatric patients, carers, and staff across KCH and GSTT. It incorporates personal experiences and recommendations, helping staff understand what matters most in acute sickle cell admissions. Education, staff awareness and training are pivotal to these improvements and were key recommendations in the report. The topics covered in the training tool for acute sickle cell admissions are drawn directly from these recommendations.

Primary and secondary audiences

Primary: healthcare professionals.
Secondary: including, patients (expert patients for visibility and transparency), administrative managers in haematology, schoolteachers, social workers, prison workers.


The Red Cell Network
Christopher Dean, HCC Education Lead CNS, University College London Hospitals
Stuart McGunnigle, Network Manager, University College London Hospitals
Bernadette Hylton, HCC Education Matron, University College London Hospitals
Dr Martin Besser, HCC Deputy Clinical Lead, Cambridge University Hospitals

King’s Health Partners (Rachel Kesse-Adu, Consultant Haematologist, Guy’s & St Thomas Hospital)

Stephanie George, Sickle Cell Patient, Advocate & Speaker

Kathy Brennan, Programme Lead for Haemoglobinopathies,
Dr Dianne Addei, Senior Public Health Advisor, National Healthcare Inequalities Improvement Programme

Meet the editorial team

  • Chris Dean

    Christopher Dean

    HCC Education Lead Nurse, University College London Hospitals
  • Stuart McGunnigle

    Stuart McGunnigle

    HCC Network Manager, University College London Hospitals
  • Stephanie George

    Stephanie George

    Sickle Cell Patient, Advocate & Speaker
  • Rachel Kesse-Adu

    Consultant Haematologist, Guy’s & St Thomas Hospital

NHSE TEL team members

  • Sarah Gray

    Sarah Gray

    Programme Manager - Technology Enhanced Learning, NHS England
  • Nicole Beckford

    Nicole Beckford

    Senior Project Manager - Technology Enhanced Learning, NHS England
  • Runam Prasad

    Runam Prasad

    Lead Learning Designer - Technology Enhanced Learning, NHS England
  • Alan Campbell

    Alan Campbell

    Learning Designer - Technology Enhanced Learning, NHS England
  • Charlotte Howell

    Charlotte Howell

    Learning Designer - Technology Enhanced Learning, NHS England
  • Evelyn

    Evelyn Lindsay

    Graphic Designer - Technology Enhanced Learning, NHS England

How to access

To access any elfh programme, you will need an elfh account. If you do not have one, then you can register by selecting the Register button below. 

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To view the Sickle Cell Disorder National Education Programme, select the View button below.  If you already have an account with elfh, you will also be able to login and enrol on the programme from the View button. 

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To view the Acute Sickle Care Programme, select the View button below.  If you already have an account with elfh, you will also be able to login and enrol on the programme from the View button. 

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If you already have an account with elfh, then you can enrol on to the programmes by logging in to the elfh Hub, selecting My Account > Enrolment and selecting the programme. You can then access the programme immediately in the My e-Learning section. 

NHS healthcare staff in England – ESR 

The Sickle Cell Disorder National Education Programme is also available to NHS healthcare staff via the Electronic Staff Record (ESR). Accessing this e-learning via ESR means that your completions will transfer with you throughout your NHS career.  

Not an NHS organisation?  

If you are not an NHS health or care organisation and therefore do not qualify for free access elfh Hub, you may be able to access the service by creating an OpenAthens account. 

To check whether or not you qualify for free access via OpenAthens, you can view the eligibility criteria and register on the ‘OpenAthens’ portal. 

Registering large numbers of users 

If you are a HR, IT or Practice Manager and would like to register and enrol large numbers of staff within your organisation for access onto the Sickle Cell Disorder National Education Programme, please contact elfh directly. 

Organisations wishing to use their own LMS 

For HR departments wanting to know more about gaining access to courses using an existing Learning Management System please contact elfh directly to express interest. 

More information 

Please select the following link for more information on how to use the elfh Hub. 

Select here for more information on the authorisations process to run reports on the learning activity of staff. 

Select the following link for more information about CPD points. 

elfh is a NHS England programme in partnership with the NHS and professional bodies