Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) has launched five scenario sessions to support the application of the Care Certificate Standards.
The scenarios take place in a range of health and social care settings and include:
- Primary care
- Acute care
- Community/home care
- End-of-life care
- Mental health care
The sessions have been written by practitioners working within these specific care settings and are based on the typical duties that a Care Certificate student is asked to perform. The scenarios complement the existing Care Certificate elearning programme knowledge-based sessions and provide students with the opportunity to apply the standards within a setting similar to their own, as well as to see how the standards are applied in other care environments.
Kay Fawcett, Clinical Lead for the Care Certificate elearning programme, said: “These scenarios have been completed following requests to support more specific application of the Care Certificate for care settings.
“Basing the scenarios in recognisable care environments will support the application of the standards of the Care Certificate across a wide variety of settings”.
The scenarios are available now on the elfh Hub and as AICC links for Trusts, to access them visit: They will be available via the Electronic Staff Record (ESR) in September 2018.
Learners that complete the scenarios are invited to provide their feedback via an online questionnaire: The survey will take 5-10 minutes to complete and the findings will be used to shape the scenarios to ensure they best meet learners’ needs.
For more information about the Care Certificate visit: