HEE elearning for healthcare’s (elfh) COVID-19 elearning programme is free to access, with no requirement to log in, for the entire UK health and care workforce, including the NHS, independent sector and social care.
The HEE elfh COVID-19 elearning programme continues to be well used by health and care professionals responding to the pandemic. The programme has been live since mid-March and it has now been launched ****** times.
The COVID-19 programme now includes:
- Essential Guidance from the NHS, UK Government, WHO and BMJ
- Public Health England – Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Minimum Requirements for Staff Returning to the NHS
- Critical Care and Ward-Based Equipment Guides
- Resources for Staff Working in Critical Care Setting
- Resources for Staff Working in Acute Hospital Setting
- Resources for Staff Working in Primary Care and Community Setting
- Resources for Staff Working in a Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Setting
- Resources for Nurses, Midwives and AHPs Returning to work, being Redeployed or Up-Skilled
- Resources to support staff with difficult conversations and end of life care
- Resources for Specific Professions, Support Workers and Volunteers
- Staff Wellbeing and Resilience during COVID-19
Daily content updates
20 April: In response to feedback from users you can now access content on the COVID-19 programme by selecting your role from a drop-down box on the elfh website. We have also added some short “how to” videos to help users with the registration process and accessing content.
A new learning path for staff working in a mental health and learning disabilities setting is now available. This includes resources on physical healthcare specifically general, advanced and COVID-19 physical health skills.
For more information and to access the programme select here.
21 April: The elfh COVID-19 programme has been launched more than 740,000 times since it went live in mid-March 2020.
A new learning path has been added to the “Resources for Nurses, Midwives and AHPs Returning to work, being Redeployed or Up-Skilled” folder called “Physical skills for Nurses, and AHPs, working in Mental Health, Learning Disability and Autism”. Access this resource here.
As part of the COVID-19 response a new programme was created for interim foundation Year 1 doctors who are being fast tracked into their Foundation Training. This programme has been launched 23,347 times since it went live earlier this month. To access this programme select here.
External resources directory
Health Education England’s Technology Enhanced Learning (HEE TEL) team received many offers of support from a range of organisations and commercial suppliers to support the workforce in addressing the COVID-19 pandemic.
HEE TEL’s content review group reviewed and collated the resources into a directory for the wider system to access. The directory has been accessed more than 1700 times since it was created. To access the directory select here.
If you have any queries about the directory, please email: tel@hee.nhs.uk.
22 April: New content on the Delegated Administration of Insulin for health and social care support workers has been added to the “Resources for Staff Working in Primary Care and Community Setting” folder and can be accessed here.
We have also added content for radiographers to the “Resources for Specific Professions” folder, which can be accessed here. The resources include radiographs of the adult chest and COVID-19 Radiography Journal articles.
The “how to” videos created to support users registering and accessing content on the elfh Hub have also been added to our support site and can be viewed here.
23 April: Updated standard operating procedures (SOPs) for NHS London Nightingale have been added to the “Resources for Staff Working in Critical Care Setting” folder and can be accessed here.
We have also added a new resource for AHPs into the “Resources for Staff Working in Acute Hospital Setting” folder. The new content can be accessed here.
24 April: Today we have added updated quick reference guides (QRGs) into the “Resources for Staff Working in Critical Care Setting” folder. These can be accessed here.
We have also added two additional videos from Public Health England on personal protective equipment (PPE). The videos are for members of the workforce working in care homes and for those working in health and social care settings. The videos are available here.
For more information about the programme including a drop down list of resources available by role select here.
Future updates
From week commencing 27 April 2020 these updates will reduce in frequency to two or three each week. Please keep up to date with our work by following us on Twitter @HEE_TEL.
HEE update
HEE is producing a weekly bulletin with updates about its work as part of the COVID-19 response. This week’s issue can be accessed here.
For more information and to access the HEE elfh COVID-19 programme visit https://www.e-lfh.org.uk/programmes/coronavirus/.