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Posts Tagged ‘elearning’

Mental health assessment: Foundation update (March 2024)

Posted on: March 1st, 2024 by Kieron Bradshaw No Comments

Welcome to your March 2024 update from the Foundation elearning programme.

Mental health assessment is a vital part of all doctors’ professional practice. The sessions highlighted in this month’s update cover assessment and examination, delirium, psychotic disorders, self-harm, depression, and the Mental Health Act.


The sessions cover key areas in your curriculum on:

FPC 1: Clinical Assessment

FPC 2: Clinical Prioritisation

FPC 5: Continuity of Care


The Foundation elearning programme has been developed specifically for Foundation doctors by the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges in partnership with NHS England elearning for healthcare (NHSE elfh), and is approved by the UK Foundation Programme (UKFPO).

The online training has a range of other sessions that might help you. Please log in to the programme page to view more.

You can sign on to the elearning with your login supplied by elearning for healthcare at any time during your foundation training.

HORUS and TURAS have deep links to elearning for healthcare sessions from the Foundation Curriculum and are therefore accessible to all trainees, making it quicker and easier to access the appropriate session linked to the curriculum.

Telephone triage training supports assessment of cancer patients

Posted on: February 9th, 2024 by Kieron Bradshaw No Comments

Colleagues working with oncology and haematology patients can now access free online training to help utilise the UK Oncology Nurses Society (UKONS) triage tool in everyday practice.  

The UKONS 24- Hour Triage Tool is a risk assessment tool that uses a red, amber and green (RAG) scoring system to identify and prioritise the presenting problems of patients contacting 24-hour advice lines. The aim of the new training is to provide a standardised programme that can be used as a basis for this specific triage process. The free training also provides generic information and guidance relating to organisational governance and the safe delivery of telephone assessment. 

The elearning will be useful for all staff who undertake telephone assessment of cancer patients across secondary care, primary care and volunteer organisations (including service managers and practice educators).  

You don’t need a healthcare email address to register, which means colleagues from third sector and voluntary organisations can access the training for free. Simply visit the UKONS Telephone Triage training programme page on the NHS Learning Hub to register and find out more.  

Clinical incidents: Foundation update (February 2024)

Posted on: February 5th, 2024 by Kieron Bradshaw No Comments

Welcome to your February 2024 update from the Foundation elearning programme. This month focuses on what happens and what you should do if you are involved in a clinical incident.

From exploring how things can go wrong, to ensuring that clinical incidents are reported, the following sessions use case studies and key subject areas to address the principal steps to take when dealing with a clinical incident.


The sessions cover key areas in your curriculum on:

FPC 1: Clinical Assessment

FPC 2: Clinical Prioritisation

FPC 3: Holistic Planning

FPC 4: Communication and Care

FPC 5: Continuity of Care

FPC 8: Upholding Values

FPC 11: Ethics and Law

FPC 12: Continuing Professional Development

FPC 13: Understanding Medicine


The Foundation elearning programme has been developed specifically for Foundation doctors by the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges in partnership with NHS England elearning for healthcare (NHSE elfh), and is approved by the UK Foundation Programme (UKFPO).

The online training has a range of other sessions that might help you. Please log in to the programme page to view more.

You can sign on to the elearning with your login supplied by elearning for healthcare at any time during your foundation training.

HORUS and TURAS have deep links to elearning for healthcare sessions from the Foundation Curriculum and are therefore accessible to all trainees, making it quicker and easier to access the appropriate session linked to the curriculum.

The Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards: Foundation update (January 2024)

Posted on: January 2nd, 2024 by Kieron Bradshaw No Comments

Welcome to your January 2024 update from the Foundation elearning programme. This month focuses on the Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards.

The Mental Capacity Act (MCA) and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) are central to inpatient care. The MCA protects the rights of vulnerable people, and the following group of sessions cover topics such as assessing capacity, consent, patient autonomy and safeguarding.


The sessions cover key areas in your curriculum on:

FPC 1: Clinical Assessment

FPC 2: Clinical Prioritisation

FPC 3: Holistic Planning

FPC 4: Communication and Care

FPC 5: Continuity of Care

FPC 6: Sharing the Vision

FPC 11: Ethics and Law

New SCRIPT elearning on dental pain and bipolar disorder now available

Healthcare professionals can now access two new modules in the SCRIPT elearning programme on odontogenic orofacial pain and bipolar affective disorder.

The first module, aimed at primary care dentists, covers the diagnosis of commonly occurring presentations of pain seen in primary care dental settings. The course focuses on odontogenic/dento-alveolar pain management.

It can be accessed free of charge through the SCRIPT Dentistry portfolio, which consists of 10 modules, aimed to improve prescribing competency and safety among Foundation and qualified dentists.

The second module helps healthcare staff to understand the treatment and management of bipolar affective disorder. It provides information on the medicines commonly used in the management of acute mania and prophylaxis of bipolar affective disorder. It also provides detailed practical advice on the role and risks of toxicity associated with lithium.

This module within the SCRIPT Medicine and Surgery, Ambulance Service and Pharmacy portfolios is also available free of charge to learners.

Inclusive practice in medical radiation safety elearning sessions now available

Posted on: December 7th, 2023 by Kieron Bradshaw No Comments

Two new elearning sessions have been developed to support the clinical imaging workforce to navigate the delivery of safe, effective, and equitable healthcare to the UK’s gender diverse population. Lynda Johnson, Professional Officer for Clinical Imaging and Radiation Protection, The Society and College of Radiographers (SoR), provides an overview of the sessions:

Since the SoR published Inclusive pregnancy status guidelines for ionising radiation: Diagnostic and therapeutic exposures in 2021, there has been an increase in the number of organisations actively seeking gender inclusive education and training for staff.

To support this work, and in recognition of the fact that inclusive practice is a matter for the wider workforce, the SoR produced a freely accessible dedicated webpage of resources. The opportunity to develop these two elearning sessions is a valuable and effective addition to promote and provide the most accessible learning materials to the whole clinical imaging workforce.

UK society reflects an array of gender diversities1. The modern clinical imaging workforce must strive to deliver services that do not make assumptions about gender and train staff to recognise people as individuals. Gender identity might be a sensitive and personal matter for staff and patients. Health and care professionals are required to display conduct that is non-discriminatory, and they must not allow personal views to affect their relationships with others or the care they provide2,3,4. How we steer our way through these complexities is determined by what we understand to be true. Gender diversity is a topic that seems to fascinate the British media, but sensationalised news stories are perhaps not the best source of truth.

The new elearning sessions, developed by experts with experience, lead the reader through the importance of respectful language and behaviours, respectful terminology, and the practical considerations of using the inclusive pregnancy checking forms and complying with the requirements of The Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposure) Regulations 20175 (2018 NI)6. The structured approach across two linked sessions is designed to give learners a deeper understanding of gender inequalities in healthcare and provides the tools and confidence to apply a more inclusive approach to care. The sessions can be accessed from a safe environment of choice and offer readers the time to assess their knowledge and reflect on valuable learning about this important topic.

Access the training:

The two new sessions can be accessed via the Clinical Imaging elearning programme.


  1. Gender identity, England and Wales: Census 2021
  2. https://www.hcpc-uk.org/standards/standards-of-conduct-performance-and-ethics/
  3. https://www.hcpc-uk.org/standards/standards-of-proficiency/radiographers/
  4. https://www.gmc-uk.org/-/media/documents/good-medical-practice—english-20200128_pdf-51527435.pdf
  5. The Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposure) Regulations 2017 (legislation.gov.uk)
  6. The Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposure) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2018 (legislation.gov.uk)

Stress and mental health: Foundation update (December 2023)

Posted on: December 4th, 2023 by Kieron Bradshaw No Comments

Welcome to your December 2023 update from the Foundation elearning programme. This month focuses on stress and mental health.

All doctors feel stress at some time in their working lives. How do you recognise it in yourself and/or in your colleagues? What are your options to deal with it? The following sessions contain information that can support you, as well as highlighting implications on patient safety.


The sessions cover key areas in your curriculum on:

FPC 4: Communication and Care

FPC 5: Continuity of Care

FPC 6: Sharing the Vision

FPC 7: Fitness to Practise

FPC 8: Upholding Values

FPC 11: Ethics and Law

The Foundation elearning programme has been developed specifically for Foundation doctors by the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges in partnership with NHS England elearning for healthcare (NHSE elfh), and is approved by the UK Foundation Programme (UKFPO).

The online training has a range of other sessions that might help you. Please log in to the programme page to view more.

You can sign on to the elearning with your login supplied by elearning for healthcare at any time during your foundation training.

HORUS and TURAS have deep links to elearning for healthcare sessions from the Foundation Curriculum and are therefore accessible to all trainees, making it quicker and easier to access the appropriate session linked to the curriculum.

Primary care patient safety elearning now live

Posted on: November 15th, 2023 by Vanessa Bassnett No Comments

Primary Care professionals in health and care can access new modules of the Patient Safety Syllabus training elearning sessions on the elfh portal which have been tailored to the specific needs of their profession.

The training supports thinking differently about what patient safety means and making healthcare even safer with patient safety case studies covering good practice, human factors, risk, systems thinking and safety culture. There is a certificate of completion for each case study.

Content for both Levels 1 and 2 of the syllabus training have been updated and include improvements to usability, interactivity, and navigation and a certificate of completion and five sector specific patient safety case studies in total for Mental Health, Maternity, Healthcare mangers and administrative staff care, Primary Care and Acute Care.

All updates to the content and functionality have been made in response to feedback from users. There is also a self-assessment for the Access to Practice module which learners must pass to move on to the sector-specific sessions and a Certificate of completion for each case study area.

Patient safety is a collective responsibility and a key priority for health and care. This training is available to anyone NHS and Health care staff and supports the NHS Patient Safety Strategy, emphasising a proactive approach to identifying risks to safe care.

Primary Care session content covers:

  • What is primary care?
  • Is primary care safe?
  • Where does it go wrong for patients in primary care?
  • Systems thinking in primary care – making local safety improvements
  • Risk management in primary care – are we proactive or reactive?
  • Human factors in primary care – staff well-being and a look at safe communications
  • Safety culture in primary care – get a conversation started

More information about the Patient Safety Syllabus training and how to access to the elearning modules can be found here:


Good communication: Foundation update (November 2023)

Posted on: November 2nd, 2023 by Kieron Bradshaw No Comments

Welcome to your November 2023 update from the Foundation elearning programme. This month focuses on good communication.

From discussing issues such as treatment risks or organ donation with patients; to breaking bad news or supporting the bereavement process, communication skills are key to your success as a doctor. The following sessions aim to support you to sell your diagnosis, your treatment, and most of all yourself, to your patients.


The sessions cover areas in your curriculum on:

FPC 1: Clinical Assessment

FPC 2: Clinical Prioritisation

FPC 3: Holistic Planning

FPC 4: Communication and Care

FPC 5: Continuity of Care

FPC 6: Sharing the Vision

FPC 8: Upholding Values

FPC 11: Ethics and Law

The Foundation elearning programme has been developed specifically for Foundation doctors by the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges in partnership with NHS England elearning for healthcare (NHSE elfh), and is approved by the UK Foundation Programme (UKFPO).

The online training has a range of other sessions that might help you. Please log in to the programme page to view more.

You can sign on to the elearning with your login supplied by elearning for healthcare at any time during your foundation training.

HORUS and TURAS have deep links to elearning for healthcare sessions from the Foundation Curriculum and are therefore accessible to all trainees, making it quicker and easier to access the appropriate session linked to the curriculum.


The 6th edition of the NHS SCRIPT Foundation Doctor safe prescribing elearning programme is due for release in 2024.

Freely available to all Foundation Schools across the UK, the new edition celebrates the 12th year since SCRIPT was launched and now contains over 100 elearning modules covering prescribing, therapeutics and medicines management.  The latest edition also includes new and extended modules, an updated user interface and extended functionality for the transfer of SCRIPT competencies from medical schools to a foundation doctor’s respective Foundation School.

Please contact Dr. Nic Blackwell at ukfp@safeprescriber.org for further details on the new edition as well as to schedule in the free upgrade for your Foundation School.

Continuing professional development opportunities for learning disability nurses

Posted on: November 1st, 2023 by Kieron Bradshaw No Comments

This year, Learning Disability Nurses Day is a double celebration for us as it also marks six months since the launch of a bespoke training package for learning disability nurses called the Learning Disability Nursing CPD Award.

The response to the training so far has been brilliant as almost 2,000 people have already registered to use it. If you haven’t already tried it, you can access the training for free on the NHS Learning Hub and we hope that it will support you in your career. We want the training to be as meaningful and valuable as possible for you, so please do complete the evaluation survey at the end of the training as well, to let us know what you think of it.

Covering the core principles of the profession, the training aims to help resolve any gaps in knowledge that colleagues already practicing may have; and it can also be used as an introduction to learning disability nursing for any healthcare professional with an interest in the area. The training can also help prepare you for specialising in key areas as it includes modules on inpatient settings, community, forensic and intensive support settings, as well as primary and acute care liaison.

This fantastic step forward is part of work to advance a dedicated career structure for learning disability nursing. The training supports the delivery of the All England Plan for Learning Disability Nursing, and aims to support those thinking about a career in this profession, as well as those in training and those currently working as a learning disability nurse.

Learning disability nurses are one of the most diverse and adaptable professional groups, working in a variety of settings and roles, and we would like to take this opportunity to thank every single one of you for the care and support that you provide every day.

Discussing the training, David Harling, National Deputy Director for Learning Disability Nursing at NHS England, said:

“The launch of the new Learning Disability Nursing Continuing Professional Development Award signals an important marker in both the evolution and investment in our profession. For over 100 years learning disability nurses have been providing expert care to people with learning disabilities and their families, and the advent of this programme will enable them to further their knowledge and skills.

“The programme has been created by learning disability nurses working in a variety of specialist areas of care and we hope it will become one of requisite benchmarks supporting specific roles, be this within job descriptions or as part of the learning disability nursing career framework.”

Ellie Gordon, Senior Nurse; Autism, Learning Disability and Mental Health at NHS England, said:

 “It has been a real pleasure to be part of this piece of work. Collaborating with learning disability nurses to progress from an ‘ask’ to a programme of continuing professional development that not only supports knowledge development, but also provides tools and resources to enhance nursing specific skills.

“When we first launched the All England plan for Learning disability nursing back in 2020, we had a clear vision that we not only needed to attract more people into learning disability nursing, but we also needed to develop those nurses who specialised in this area. We also knew that to develop such specialist nurses we would have to develop something that really spoke to nurses and nursing, and which showed how much we value and appreciate all that these great nurses do. I really feel that with this training we have started to do just that, and I look forward to continuing to work with learning disability nurses to develop and grow this great profession.”

Access the training

You can find out more and access the training now on the NHS Learning Hub.

elfh is a NHS England programme in partnership with the NHS and professional bodies