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Posts Tagged ‘ETR’

New Educator Training Resources programme now available

Posted on: September 24th, 2021 by Leanne Hargreaves No Comments

Health Education England’s elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) have worked with Health Education England’s London and South East Professional Development team to update and restructure the Educator Training Resources (ETR) programme.

The ETR sessions are now available in a new structure and the sessions and pathways have been categorised differently to improve the user experience and ensure that users are accessing learning most relevant to them. As part of this update, the retired Educator Hub content has also been merged into the new programme.

The elearning sessions cover a wide range of topics and are structured under the 5 courses below:

For more information and to access the new programme, visit the Educator Training Resources programme page.

Updates planned for the Educator Training Resources programme

Posted on: August 11th, 2021 by Leanne Hargreaves No Comments

Health Education England’s (HEE) Educator Training Resources (ETR)and Educator Hub programmes are being reviewed and revised. An updated programme will be available from Monday 6 September 2021 with a new structure, including additional pathways that have been developed by HEE’s elearning for healthcare and London and South East Professional Development teams.

The ETR sessions will continue to be available in the new structure and sessions will be categorised differently to improve the user experience and ensure that users are accessing learning most relevant to them. More information will be available on the HEE elfh programme page in coming weeks.

This learning has historically been available via 2 routes; the elfh hub and the Educator Hub platform. As part of the review, the Educator Hub tenancy will be retired on 6 September 2021 and the learning will no longer be available via this route. Users will be able to access the learning via the elfh hub.

As part of the retirement, learners should be aware of the following:

Learning completion – session level

Users’ learning activity will be retained and they will be able to verify that this learning has been completed, through their activity log on the elfh hub.

Learning completion – course level

Where users are completing sessions to receive a certificate, within one or more of the 7 courses that currently make up the programme, this learning will need to be completed and the certificate downloaded prior to the tenancy retirement. After  6 September, the certificates will not be available.

Users will still be able to access all learning, but through the new Educator Training Resource courses via the elfh hub only. HEE elfh has over 400 elearning programmes in its catalogue bringing together a huge amount of bite sized content into 1 place, providing free elearning resources for the health and care workforce, 24/7.

If you have any queries about these changes, please contact

elfh is a NHS England programme in partnership with the NHS and professional bodies