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Posts Tagged ‘Primary Care’

Primary care patient safety elearning now live

Posted on: November 15th, 2023 by Vanessa Bassnett No Comments

Primary Care professionals in health and care can access new modules of the Patient Safety Syllabus training elearning sessions on the elfh portal which have been tailored to the specific needs of their profession.

The training supports thinking differently about what patient safety means and making healthcare even safer with patient safety case studies covering good practice, human factors, risk, systems thinking and safety culture. There is a certificate of completion for each case study.

Content for both Levels 1 and 2 of the syllabus training have been updated and include improvements to usability, interactivity, and navigation and a certificate of completion and five sector specific patient safety case studies in total for Mental Health, Maternity, Healthcare mangers and administrative staff care, Primary Care and Acute Care.

All updates to the content and functionality have been made in response to feedback from users. There is also a self-assessment for the Access to Practice module which learners must pass to move on to the sector-specific sessions and a Certificate of completion for each case study area.

Patient safety is a collective responsibility and a key priority for health and care. This training is available to anyone NHS and Health care staff and supports the NHS Patient Safety Strategy, emphasising a proactive approach to identifying risks to safe care.

Primary Care session content covers:

  • What is primary care?
  • Is primary care safe?
  • Where does it go wrong for patients in primary care?
  • Systems thinking in primary care – making local safety improvements
  • Risk management in primary care – are we proactive or reactive?
  • Human factors in primary care – staff well-being and a look at safe communications
  • Safety culture in primary care – get a conversation started

More information about the Patient Safety Syllabus training and how to access to the elearning modules can be found here:

Managing heart failure in the community

Posted on: July 6th, 2023 by Kieron Bradshaw No Comments

A new online training session provides a guide to the management of heart failure in the community, focusing on proactively managing symptoms to prevent disease progression and repeated admission to hospital. The session also supports educating patients to monitor and self-manage their condition, and provides an overview of how the multidisciplinary team can work across health sectors to provide effective integrated care for those with heart failure.​

The training is part of the Heart Failure and Heart Valve Disease elearning programme, which now contains 12 sessions in total. The elearning programme aims to support multidisciplinary professionals to develop knowledge of diagnosis and the optimisation of management of heart conditions. It is targeted at clinicians in primary and community care settings, including GPs.

To find out more and access the elearning, please visit the Heart Failure and Heart Valve Disease elearning programme page.

Effective teamwork across the health and care system: Foundation update (May 2023)

Posted on: May 15th, 2023 by Kieron Bradshaw No Comments

Welcome to your May 2023 update from the Foundation elearning programme.

Effective teamwork will play a significant role throughout your career, and this includes crossing traditional boundaries to collaborate with teams across the health and care system. The following sessions cover working with teams across primary, secondary and social care boundaries and include key topic areas such as referrals, effective handover and patient safety.


The sessions cover key areas in your curriculum on:

FPC 2: Clinical Prioritisation

FPC 3: Holistic Planning

FPC 4: Communication and Care

FPC 5: Continuity of Care

FPC 6: Sharing the Vision

The Foundation elearning programme has been developed specifically for Foundation doctors by the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges in partnership with NHS England elearning for healthcare (NHSE elfh), and is approved by the UK Foundation Programme (UKFPO).

The Foundation programme has a range of other sessions that might help you. Please log in to the programme page to view more.

You can sign on to the elearning with your login supplied by elearning for healthcare at any time during your foundation training:

HORUS and TURAS have deep links to elearning for healthcare sessions from the Foundation Curriculum and are therefore accessible to all trainees, making it quicker and easier to access the appropriate session linked to the curriculum.

e-GP e-Learning programme updated

Posted on: September 19th, 2019 by Alex Drinkall No Comments

Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) is working with subject matter experts to undertake a review of 83 sessions within the General Practice 2012 Curriculum (e-GP) elearning Programme.

This review includes elearning modules covering the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) curriculum such as Care of People with Musculoskeletal Problems, Care of People with Metabolic Problems: Diabetes, Sexual Health, Care of Children and Young People: Children and others.

The review also includes a re-write of seven modules covering Care of Children and Young People: Children and Care of People with Metabolic Problems: Diabetes.

The sessions are being rewritten and updated by the RCGP and will be released to the HEE elfh Hub throughout 2019 and 2020.

The e-GP resource provides a programme of elearning modules covering the RCGP curriculum. Each module is made up of reflective and interactive elearning sessions that enhance GP training and support preparation for appraisal and revalidation.

For more information about the e-GP programme please visit:

elfh is a NHS England programme in partnership with the NHS and professional bodies