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Posts Tagged ‘SCRIPT’

SCRIPT: supporting safer prescribing practices in primary care

Posted on: June 30th, 2021 by Rachel Gowland No Comments

The SCRIPT elearning portfolio for the primary care workforce includes 24 modules in 4 categories, developed for GPs, GP trainees and other prescribing staff in primary care settings. The modules cover a range of therapeutic topics relating to prescribing and medicines safety in primary care settings, including:

  • Principles of Prescribing
  • Therapeutic Groups
  • Prescribing in Medical Emergencies
  • Prescribing in Special Circumstances

Every module takes approximately 60 minutes to complete. All course materials have been authored by a team of expert healthcare professionals and are regularly reviewed and updated.

Benefits from using SCRIPT elearning modules

  • Safer prescribing
    SCRIPT enhances knowledge and confidence in prescribing correctly, improving patient safety, therapeutics and medicines management.
  • Professional development
    Certificates are made available on completion of a module, which can be used for online learning portfolios as evidence of continuing professional development.
  • Flexible learning
    SCRIPT is easily accessible and intuitive to use, allowing users to complete modules at their convenience and refer back to modules at any time during their training.
  • Free to learners with a or address.

How do I access the elearning programme?

You can learn more about the SCRIPT elearning programme by visiting the SCRIPT website.

SCRIPT- new elearning portfolio supports safer prescribing

Posted on: May 27th, 2021 by Rachel Gowland No Comments

The new SCRIPT Safety portfolio aims to develop healthcare professionals’ knowledge and skills in prescribing practice, therapeutics and provides guidance on medicines management. Carers, non-medical and independent prescribers may also find the elearning useful. The portfolio consists of 19 modules in 3 categories, covering a range of topics and supports the World Health Organization (WHO) Global Patient Safety Challenge ‘Medication Without Harm’.

Elearning sessions include, but are not limited to

  • Adverse Drug Reactions
  • Dosing and Calculation
  • Formulation and Administration
  • Management of Pain
  • Medicines Management in Care Homes
  • Paediatric Prescribing
  • Palliative and End of Life Care
  • Prescribing in Older Adults
  • Taking a Safe and Effective Drug History
  • Toxic Tablets

Each module takes approximately 60 minutes to complete. All course materials have been authored by a team of expert healthcare professionals and are regularly reviewed and updated.

What are the benefits of using SCRIPT elearning modules?

  • Safer prescribing
    SCRIPT enhances knowledge and confidence in prescribing correctly, improving patient safety, therapeutics and medicines management.
  • Professional development
    Certificates are made available on completion of a module, which can be used for online learning portfolios as evidence of continuing professional development.
  • Flexible learning
    SCRIPT is easily accessible and intuitive to use, allowing users to complete modules at their convenience and refer back to modules at any time during their training.
  • Free to learners with a or address.


How do I access the elearning programme?

You can learn more about the SCRIPT elearning programme by visiting the SCRIPT website.


SCRIPT – supporting safer prescribing practices by ambulance services

Posted on: February 22nd, 2021 by Rachel Gowland No Comments

The SCRIPT elearning programme for ambulance services consists of 58 modules in 8 categories, covering a range of topics relating to prescribing and medicines safety in the primary and secondary care setting, during and beyond the ongoing pandemic.

Modules include:

  • Advanced prescribing
  • Clinical governance
  • Managing the risks of prescribing
  • Prescribing in medical emergencies
  • Prescribing in special circumstances
  • Principles of medicines management
  • Principles of prescribing
  • Therapeutic groups

Each module takes approximately 60 minutes to complete. All course materials have been authored by a team of expert healthcare professionals, and are regularly reviewed and updated.

What are the benefits in using the SCRIPT elearning programmes?

  • Safer prescribing
    SCRIPT enhances knowledge and confidence in prescribing correctly, improving patient safety, therapeutics and medicines management.
  • Professional development
    Certificates are made available on completion of a module, which can be used for online learning portfolios as evidence of continuing professional development.
  • Flexible learning
    SCRIPT is easily accessible and intuitive to use, allowing users to complete modules at their convenience and refer back to modules at any time during their training.
  • SCRIPT elearning is free to those with a or address.


How do I access the elearning?

You can learn more about the SCRIPT elearning programmes by visiting the SCRIPT website.

SCRIPT – supporting safer prescribing practices in paediatrics

Posted on: January 19th, 2021 by Rachel Gowland No Comments

The SCRIPT elearning programme for paediatric doctors and trainees consists of 23 modules in 5 categories, covering a range of topics relating to prescribing and medicines safety in the secondary care setting, including:

  • Advanced therapeutics
  • General paediatrics
  • General therapeutics
  • Principles of prescribing in paediatrics
  • Surgical specialities

Each module takes approximately 60 minutes to complete. All course materials have been authored by a team of expert healthcare professionals, and are regularly reviewed and updated.

What are the benefits in using the SCRIPT elearning programmes?

  • Safer prescribing
    SCRIPT enhances knowledge and confidence in prescribing correctly, improving patient safety, therapeutics and medicines management.
  • Professional development
    Certificates are made available on completion of a module, which can be used for online learning portfolios as evidence of continuing professional development.
  • Flexible learning
    SCRIPT is easily accessible and intuitive to use, allowing users to complete modules at their convenience and refer back to modules at any time during their training.
  • SCRIPT elearning is free to those with a or address.

How do I access the elearning?

You can learn more about the SCRIPT elearning programmes by visiting the SCRIPT website.

SCRIPT – supporting safer prescribing practices in dentistry

Posted on: December 17th, 2020 by Rachel Gowland No Comments

The SCRIPT elearning programme for dentistry covers a range of topics relating to prescribing and medicines safety in the dental setting.

Modules are written specifically for foundation dentists and general dental practitioners for continuing professional development.

There are eight modules available:

  • Medication Errors and Adverse Drug Reactions
  • Prescription Documentation and the Drug History
  • Special Patient Groups
  • Utilising the BNF(C)
  • Dental infections
  • Medical Emergencies
  • Pain, Ulceration and Inflammation
  • Periprocedural Prescribing

Each module takes approximately 60 minutes to complete. All course materials have been authored by a team of expert healthcare professionals and are regularly reviewed and updated.

What are the benefits in using the SCRIPT elearning programmes?

  • Safer prescribing
    SCRIPT enhances knowledge and confidence in prescribing correctly, improving medicines management and patient safety.
  • Professional development
    Certificates are made available on completion of a module, which can be used for online learning portfolios as evidence of continuing professional development.
  • Flexible learning
    SCRIPT is easily accessible and intuitive to use, allowing users to complete modules at their convenience and refer back to modules at any time during their training.
  • Modules mapped to DTF Competency Framework
    Each of the SCRIPT modules have been individually mapped to relevant prescribing and medicines-related competencies, which can be viewed within each module.

How do I access the elearning?

SCRIPT is free to foundation dentists; you can register to access the SCRIPT elearning portfolios by visiting the SCRIPT website.

SCRIPT - Supporting safer management of medicines

Posted on: November 24th, 2020 by Rachel Gowland No Comments

The SCRIPT elearning programme for nursing staff and student nurses consists of 18 modules in three categories, covering a range of topics relating to medicines safety, including:

  • Principles of medicines management
  • Therapeutic groups
  • Managing the risks

Each module takes approximately 60 minutes to complete. All course materials have been authored by a team of expert healthcare professionals and are regularly reviewed and updated.

What are the benefits in using the SCRIPT elearning programme?

  • Safer prescribing
    SCRIPT enhances nurses’ education around medicines management and optimisation, improving patient safety.
  • Professional development
    Certificates are made available on completion of a module, which can be used for online learning portfolios as evidence of continuing professional development.
  • Flexible learning
    SCRIPT is easily accessible and intuitive to use, allowing users to complete modules at their convenience and refer back to modules at any time during their training.
  • SCRIPT elearning is free to those with a or address.

How do I access the elearning?

You can learn more about the SCRIPT elearning programmes by visiting the SCRIPT website at:

SCRIPT – supporting safer prescribing practices in primary and secondary care settings

Posted on: October 26th, 2020 by Rachel Gowland No Comments

The SCRIPT elearning programme provides portfolios of modules specifically for healthcare professionals working in primary and secondary care settings.

The European Association for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics (EACPT) Working Group on education reviewed different types of digital learning used to teach rational prescribing and assessed their effect on learner-related and clinically relevant outcomes.

The EACPT working group concluded that“elearning is the most-used type of digital learning for safe and effective prescribing education and is efficacious in teaching undergraduate and postgraduate prescribers the required knowledge, skills, and attitudes”.

SCRIPT modules cover a range of topics relating to prescribing, therapeutics and medicines safety and are categorised into different themes. Modules are suitable for any prescriber or anybody in training to be a prescriber, for example. foundation trainees, undergraduate medical students, doctors and non-medical prescribers.

Themes include:

  • Principles of prescribing
  • Prescribing in medical emergencies
  • Prescribing in special circumstances
  • Therapeutic groups

Each module takes approximately 60 minutes to complete. All course materials have been authored by a team of expert healthcare professionals and are regularly reviewed and updated.

What are the benefits in using the SCRIPT elearning programmes?

  • Safer prescribing
    SCRIPT enhances knowledge and confidence in prescribing correctly, improving patient safety, therapeutics and medicines management.
  • Professional development
    Certificates are made available on completion of a module, which can be used for online learning portfolios as evidence of continuing professional development.
  • Flexible learning
    SCRIPT is easily accessible and intuitive to use, allowing users to complete modules at their convenience and refer back to modules at any time.
  • Free to learners with an or email address.


How do I access the elearning?

You can access the SCRIPT elearning programmes by visiting the SCRIPT website at:

SCRIPT – supporting safer prescribing practices by healthcare professionals

Posted on: September 28th, 2020 by Rachel Gowland No Comments

The SCRIPT programme was created in 2010 and developed into a collection of innovative elearning portfolios designed to encourage safe and effective prescribing and medicines management among healthcare professionals.

SCRIPT was developed by the University of Birmingham and OCB Media, and commissioned by Health Education England.

About the SCRIPT elearning programme

Each elearning portfolio has been specifically designed for foundation doctors, foundation dentists, paediatric specialist trainees, nurses, general practitioners, pharmacists and other non-medical prescribers. The portfolios are also available to undergraduate medical, pharmacy and nursing students.

SCRIPT elearning modules cover a wide range of therapeutic topics. A module usually takes approximately 1 hour to complete and does not have to be completed in one sitting. Content has been authored by a team of expert healthcare professionals and is reviewed and updated on a regular basis.

How will SCRIPT elearning benefit you?

  • Safer prescribing
    SCRIPT will enhance your knowledge and confidence in prescribing correctly, improving patient safety, therapeutics and medicines management.
  • Professional development
    You will receive a certificate for each module that you complete, which can be used in your online learning portfolio
  • Flexible learningSCRIPT is easy to use. You can access the modules at a time which suits you and revisit them even after completion.

How do I access the elearning programme?

You can learn more about the SCRIPT elearning programme by visiting the SCRIPT website at:

elfh is a NHS England programme in partnership with the NHS and professional bodies